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Bone Naming conventions

Quoting a post by Jaroslav Jerryno Novotny on Blender Stack Exchange:

Every rigger uses their own bone naming conventions, prefixes or suffixes, usually in agreement with animators for which the rig is intended (in studio). There is no standard, but there are however some commonly used terms:

  • ROOT, MASTER - first bone in hierarchy or sub-hierarchy (tentacle_root)
  • DEF - bone contributing to deformation
  • MCH - mechanism/mechanical helper bone
  • ORG - original bones of metarigs from which the final rig is generated
  • CTRL, CON - control bones - various bones meant to be operated by animators
  • JNT - a joint
  • WGT, SHP, CS - widget, shape, custom shape, etc. - meshes to represent bones
  • IK, FK - bones belonging to inverse or forward kinematic bone chains
  • STR, NSTR, ASTR - stretch bones, non-stretch bones, anti-stretch bones (I've also seen SCA, NSCA, ASCA as scale, non-scale and anti-scale)
  • SPL - IK spline bones
  • MM, MUSC - muscle mass, muscle - bones to represent and bind muscles
  • POLE - IK pole bones, also usually just marked as CTRL
  • CW, CCW - clock-wise, counter-clock-wise, for marking rotation direction or bones for hinges
  • CEN, LFT, RGT, LF, RT, L, R - center, left, right

Rigging a car (basic)

Use this video and this fixed version of Rigacar for Blender 4.0+.

Expected result:

What are your thoughts?